First Diagnosis Cancer Coverage
What happens if you're diagnosed with cancer when on Medicare?
Providing Solutions for Cancer Patients
At Senior Health, we realize that cancer can occur anytime, regardless of an individual’s lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people lack cancer insurance coverage for the additional costs associated with treatment. Many individuals face high out-of-pocket expenses, including deductibles, copays, and annual or lifetime caps. Are you prepared for this situation?
The costs of cancer treatments can be overwhelming
The costs of cancer treatments is not typically the first concern that comes to mind when someone is first diagnosed but it will quickly become an important one. For most patients, cancer treatment can present a significant financial burden. Our Cancer Treatment Benefit Policies can provide a variety of benefits payable to you when undergoing treatment for cancer.
Costs to Expect
If you have a family history or a loved one diagnosed with cancer, you want to know what you may be facing. There is coverage to offset this or put you in a position where it wouldn’t be financially devastating.
With a cancer diagnosis, there are direct (medical) costs and indirect costs.
Direct costs may include:
- Copays
- Medications
- Chemotherapy
- Doctor visits
Indirect costs may include:
- Transportation and travel for treatment
- Hiring help around the house
- Children have to help out instead of working full-time jobs